Fee Structure

 Status Age Group Fee
 Eight-visits Package  
(8 visits per month)
Up to 12 months5,095
1-3 years4,418
Above 33,639
(Up to 5 hours, Mon-Fri)
Up to 12 months7,667
1-3 years6,627
Above 35,458
(8 AM to 5:30 PM, Mon-Fri)
Up to 12 months12,735
1-3 years11,045
Above 39,096

* Fees are subject to revision each year in July due to inflationary factors.

Fee Discounts

Discounts will be made available for siblings attending the daycare (25% for the 2nd child, 50% for the 3rd child). HRD will also try to find ways to provide further fee assistance in need based cases.

Registration Fee

Registration fee is PKR 2000 per child which is charged along with first month’s daycare fee.


For faculty and staff who enroll their children Part-Time, Full-Time or Daily basis, fees is automatically deducted from salary, after applying any eligible subsidies/discounts.

For students and other community members, a fee voucher is emailed every month. You will be able to pay the fees at selected banks (including the ABL Branch on campus), or online by credit card.