After completing undergraduate in Mechanical Engineering, I spent nine very rewarding years in the corporate sector. I experienced international exposure and worked on several important projects. During these years I remained actively involved in recruitment and selection, performance management and training and development of employees. These opportunities provided me insights into the people management side for which I developed deep interest. 

The desire to further explore these topics and the passion to contribute to the society steered me towards academia, and I joined M Phil leading to PhD program at Lahore University of Management Sciences in 2007. The extended coursework expanded the horizons of my thoughts whereas the opportunity to spend time at Concordia University in Montreal, Canada, as a visiting researcher, honed my research skills.

I have a teaching experience of sixteen years (five years before PhD and eleven years after it) at undergraduate, graduate and doctoral levels. I have worked in higher education institutions in Pakistan, Canada, Malaysia and Morocco. I have supervised two PhD and seven M Phil students and currently I am supervising three PhD students. I have received prestigious international awards and my research has been published in top quality journals such as Journal of Organizational Behavior and Applied Psychology. I am extensively engaged in executive education, consultancy work, and social and community services. Travelling - both inside and outside of Pakistan - is my passion.

Zahid F, Z., Butt A.N & Malik M. A.R (In Press 2023). When and How Political Skill Becomes Counterproductive; A Moral Licensing View.. Australian Journal of Management.

Abdur Rahman Malik, M., M, A. & S.A, A. (In Press 2023). Silent Victims: Negative Effects of Observing Workplace Deviance on Employees' Emotional Exhaustion and Workplace Thriving.. Australian Journal of Management.

Abdur Rahman Malik, M. & Arshad M. (In Press 2023). Vicarious or Direct? Testing Experiences of Interpersonal Deviance and Employees' Defensive Strategies at Work.. International Journal of Stress Management.

Abdur Rahman Malik, M., H, A. & A.R, B. (In Press 2022). The good side of authoritarian leaders: leader in the eyes of the subordinates. Journal of Management & Organization.

Abdur Rahman Malik, M. & Ghani. B (In Press 2022). Social Media and Employee Voice: A Comprehensive Literature Review. Behaviour & Information Technology.

Abdur Rahman Malik, M., S.A, M., D, N. & M.S & M.S, A. (In Press 2022). A moderated mediation model of counterproductive work behaviour, organisational justice, organisational embeddedness and psychological ownership. Personnel Review.

Abdur Rahman Malik, M., R, N. & A.R, B. (In Press 2022). The Effects of Gender Faultlines and Distribution of Rewards on Intragroup Power Struggles and Group Performance.. Social Justice Research.

Abdur Rahman Malik, M., Zahid F. & Butt, A.N (In Press 2022). Drivers of Radical and Incremental Creativity – A Moderated Mediation Framework.. Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences.

Abdur Rahman Malik, M., Raja U, Jahanzeb S. & Baig M.U.A & Baig M.U.A (In Press 2022). Dispositional causes of burnout, satisfaction, and performance through the fear of COVID-19 during times of pandemic.. Applied Psychology: An International Review.

Abdur Rahman Malik, M., M.S, A., N.A & N.A, F. & N.A, M. (In Press 2021). Organizational justice, psychological ownership and organizational embeddedness: A conservation of resources perspective.. International Journal of Manpower.

Abdur Rahman Malik, M., T, F. & U, R. (2020). Leader–member exchange quality and employees job outcomes: a parallel mediation model.DOI 10.1007/s40821-020-00158-6. Eurasian Business Review.

Abdur Rahman Malik, M. & Butt, A. (2019). Distinct Effects of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Rewards on Radical and Incremental Creativity: Moderating Roles of Goal Orientationsl. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 40 (9-10), 1013-1026.

Abdur Rahman Malik, M. & Jahanzeb, F. (2018). Supervisor ostracism and defensive silence: a differential needs approach. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 27 (4), 430-440.

Abdur Rahman Malik, M. & Nazir Butt, A. (2016). Rewards and Creativity Past, Present & Future. Applied Psychology: An International Review.

Abdur Rahman Malik, M., Rana, A. & Bashir, M. (2014). Packages Ltd., Capacity addition in carton line: Riviera vs. Austin. Asian Journal of Management Cases, 11 (1), 23-36, doi:doi: 10.1177/0972820113520208.

Abdur Rahman Malik, M., Butt, A. & Choi, J. (2014). Rewards and Employee Creative Performance: Moderating Effects of Creative Self-Efficacy, Reward Importance, and Locus of Control. Journal of Organizational Behavior.

Abdur Rahman Malik, M. (2012). Exploring the Link between Foreign Direct Investment, Multinational Enterprises and Spillover Effects in Developing Economies. International Journal of Business and Management, 7 (1), 230-240, doi:doi:10.5539/ijbm.v7n1p230.

Zamin Abbas, R. & Abdur Rahman Malik, M. (2011). The Existential Face of Organization: A Literature Review. European Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Sciences, 32, 101-106.

Abdur Rahman Malik, M. & Syed, J. (2021). Tagore Hotels: Organisational Culture and Employee Engagement, Published. Case Research Centre, Lahore University of Management Sciences.

Abdur Rahman Malik, M. (2019). Spring Forward or Fall Back: Issues in new Appraisal System, Published. Case Research Unit, LUMS, LUMS No. 05-787-2019-1, Case Research Unit, LUMS.

Abdur Rahman Malik, M. & Butt, A. (2016). Career at the Cross Roads A and B, Published. CRC Number 05-772-2016-1, Case Research Centre LUMS.

Abdur Rahman Malik, M., Rana, A. & Rafi, S. (2015). Shalimar Interchange, Published. LUMS No: 03-854-2015-1, Case Research Centre, Lahore University of Management Sciences.

Abdur Rahman Malik, M. & Alvi, S. (2015). Restructuring of Pakistan Railways Board, Published. CRC Number 05-769-2015-1, Case Research Centre, Lahore University of Management Sciences.

Abdur Rahman Malik, M., Rana, A. & Rafi, S. (2014). Earned Value Management And Analysis, Published. CRC Number 03-838-2014-2, Case Research Centre, Lahore University of Management Sciences.

Abdur Rahman Malik, M. (2014). Lahore Ring Road Police - Introduction of Variable Incentive Plan, Published. LUMS No: 05-760-2014-1, Case Research Centre, Lahore University of Management Sciences.

Malik, M., Rana, A. & Bashir, M. (2013). Packages Ltd, Capacity Addition in Carton Line: RIVIERA Vs ATN, Published. CRC Number 03-849-2013-1, Case Research Centre, Lahore University of Management Sciences.

Malik, M., Rana, A. & Azhar, A. (2013). Rehabilitation of Lower Chenab Canal Eastern: Challenges in Project Performance Management, Published. CRC Number 03-851-2013-1, Case Research Centre, Lahore University of Management Sciences.

Abdur Rahman Malik, M. & Arshad M. (In Press 2022). How Coping Resources Moderate the Abusive Supervisor – Workplace Deviance Link.. Paper presented at the 10th Asian Management Research and Case Conference (AMRC 2022), Al-Ain, UAE.

Abdur Rahman Malik, M. & Zahid F (In Press 2022). Rewards – Creativity Research: Previous Findings and Future Agenda.. Paper presented at the 6th International Conference on Advanced Research in Business, Management and Economics (ICABME), Prague, Czech Republic..

Abdur Rahman Malik, M., Khan R., Murtaza G. & Talpur Q & Talpur Q (In Press 2022). Effects of Organizational Dehumanization on Creative Performance: The Role of Self Esteem Threat and Locus of Control.. Paper presented at the Eastern Academy of Management 59th Annual Meeting, Portland, U.S.

Abdur Rahman Malik, M. & Arshad M. (In Press 2022). Self-Serving Behavior – A Defensive Withdrawal on Experiencing Interpersonal Deviance.. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of British Academy of Management, Manchester, UK.

Abdur Rahman Malik, M., Hamza S & Afzal M (In Press 2020). Organizational Development Through Employees' Empowerment: Evidence from a Different Context.. Paper presented at the 6th International Conference on Information Management and Industrial.

Abdur Rahman Malik, M. & B, G. (In Press 2019). Performance Appraisal Process and Related Outcomes: A Social Exchange Perspective.. Paper presented at the International Conference on Education, Psychology, and Social Sciences (ICEPS) Tokyo, Japan..

Abdur Rahman Malik, M. & B, G. (In Press 2019). Contextual Effects on Performance Appraisal Process Outcomes. Paper presented at the 12th Euromed Academy of Business Conference, Thessaloniki, Greece..

Abdur Rahman Malik, M. & Butt, A. (In Press 2018). Multidimensional Materialism and Post Materialism: Impact on Work Family Conflict & Work Family Enrichment. Paper presented at the European Academy of Management conference, Iceland.

Abdur Rahman Malik, M. & Butt, A. (In Press 2018). Radical and Incremental Creativity - The Role of Enjoyment, Innovative Climate And Rewards Importance. Paper presented at the British Academy of Management conference, Bristol, UK..

Abdur Rahman Malik, M. & M, M. (In Press 2018). For Better or For Worse: Expatriation Motives to Relocate From Developed to Developing Countries. Paper presented at the GLOSEARCH conference, Vietnam..

Abdur Rahman Malik, M., S, H. & Afzal, M. (In Press 2017). Job Characteristics, Job Satisfaction, and Organizational Commitment – Evidence from a Different Context. Eastern Academy of Management International 17th Annual Meeting, Gold Coast, Australia..

Abdur Rahman Malik, M., S, H. & Afzal, M. (In Press 2017). Negative Effects of Empowerment on Employees' Attitudes - Where, Why and When.. Paper presented at the Academy of Management 77th Annual Meeting, Atlanta, U.S..

Abdur Rahman Malik, M. (In Press 2017). Spring Forward or Fall Back. Case presented at the North American Case Research Association (NACRA) Annual meeting at Chicago, U.S.

Abdur Rahman Malik, M. (2016). Enhancing Employees' Creativity: The Role of Rewards, Individual Differences and Organizational Climate. Eastern Academy of Management 53rd Annual Meeting New Haven US.

Abdur Rahman Malik, M. & Butt A.N (In Press 2016). The Overlooked Role of Personality in Rewards - Creativity Research.. Paper presented at the 18th Biannual European Conference of Personality Psychology, Timisoara, Romania..

Abdur Rahman Malik, M. & Saleem A. (In Press 2016). Business Groups and Institutional Voids: What Explains Success in Emerging Economies?. Paper presented at the Academy of Management 76th Annual Meeting, Anaheim, U.S..

Abdur Rahman Malik, M. (In Press 2016). Career at the crossroads. Case presented at the North American Case Research Association (NACRA. Annual meeting at Las Vegas, U.S..

Abdur Rahman Malik, M. (In Press 2015). Incremental and Radical Creativity Drivers Mediators and Moderators. Paper Presented at Eastern Academy of Management 52nd Annual Meeting Philadelphia USA.

Abdur Rahman Malik, M. (In Press 2015). Shalimar Interchange. Paper Presented at 4th Asian Management Research and Case Conference Penang Malaysia.

Abdur Rahman Malik, M. & Butt, A. (In Press 2015). Rewards and Creativity: Past, Present and Future. Australian & New Zealand Academy of Management 29th Annual Meeting, Queenstown, New Zealand..

Abdur Rahman Malik, M. (In Press 2015). Different Rewards Distinct Creative Behaviors. Paper Presented at the ISPIM 26th Annual Meeting Budapest Hungary.

Abdur Rahman Malik, M. (In Press 2015). Foreign Direct Investment Spillover Effects and Technology GAP: A New Conceptualization. Paper Presented at Eastern Academy of Management 52nd Annual Meeting Philadelphia, USA.

Abdur Rahman Malik, M. (In Press 2015). Foreign Direct Investment and Spillover Effects - The case of India and Pakistan.. International Conference on Leveraging FDI for Sustainable Economic Development in South Asia.

Abdur Rahman Malik, M. (2014). Variable Incentive Plan in Public Sector Service Organization: Case of Ring Road Police, Lahore.. NACRA 2014 Annual Conference, Austin USA.

Abdur Rahman Malik, M. & Butt, A. (2013). Enhancing Employees' Creativity: Can Rewards Help?. Third South Asian Management Research and Case Conference, Bangalore..

Abdur Rahman Malik, M. & Butt, A. (2013). The Next Step in Rewards Creativity Research. Academy of Management 73rd Annual Meeting, Florida, U.S..

Abdur Rahman Malik, M. & Butt, A. (2013). Rewards and Creativity: Moderating Effects of Rewards Importance, Locus of Control and Creative Self Efficacy. Academy of Management 73rd Annual Meeting, Florida, U.S..

Saleem, A. & Abdur Rahman Malik, M. (2013). Building on Institutional Voids: A Case of Business Groups in an Emerging Economy. Academy of International Business (AIB) 55th Annual Meeting, Istanbul, Turkey..

Abdur Rahman Malik, M. (In Press 2013). Rewards & Creativity: The Mediating Role of Enjoyment. Eastern Academy of Management 50th Annual Meeting.

Abdur Rahman Malik, M. & Butt, A. (2013). Rewards and Creativity: Personality Matters.. the 2nd International Research Conference on Contemporary Management Practices, January 2013, Lahore, Pakistan..

Abdur Rahman Malik, M. & Butt, A. (2012). Rewards and Creativity: Bringing New Actors into the Debate. 26th Annual Conference of British Academy of Management, 2012, Cardiff, UK.

Abdur Rahman Malik, M. & Budhwani, N. (2011). Human Resource Development in Pakistan: An Exploratory Study. Academy of Human Resource Development Annual Meeting Texas, USA,.

Mansoor, A., Budhwani, N. & Abdur Rahman Malik, M. (2011). Organization Development in Public Sector: The Case of Pakistan Post. Academy of Human Resource Development Annual Meeting Texas, USA,.

Abdur Rahman Malik, M., Rana, A. & Bashir, M. (2011). Packages Ltd., Capacity addition in carton line: Riviera vs. ATN. South Asia Management Research & Case Conference.

Abdur Rahman Malik, M. (2011). Rewards and Creativity: New Approach - New Results. 12th European Conference on Creativity and Innovation, Fero, Portugal..

Abdur Rahman Malik, M. (2016). Empowerment and Job Satisfaction -Evidence from a Different Context Applied Psychology.

Abdur Rahman Malik, M. (2016). Distinct Effects of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Rewards on Radical and Incremental Creativity: Moderating Roles of Goal Orientations and Climate for Innovation. A Journal of Management.