Muhammad Faryad received his BSc degree in mathematics and physics in 2002 from the University of Punjab, MSc and MPhil degrees in electronics from the Quaid-i-Azam University in 2006 and 2008, respectively, and PhD degree in engineering science and mechanics from the Pennsylvania State University in 2012. He worked as a lecturer in the Quaid-i-Azam University from 2007 to 2009, as a postdoctoral scholar in the Pennsylvania State University from 2012 to 2014, and as an assistant professor in the Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS) from 2014 till present. He is also serving as the chair of the physics department since 2018.

Dr. Faryad’s research work focuses on the interaction of light with modern metamaterials and complex materials. His major research areas are surface plasmonics, optical sensors, electromagnetics of complex materials, dyadic Green functions for anisotropic mediums, and nanostructured solar cells. He has authored and coauthored more than one hundred journal and proceeding articles, a book chapter, and a book. He is a section editor (thin films and plasmonics) of the International Journal of Light and Electron Optics (Optik) since 2016.

Dr. Faryad is also interested in outreach activities for school children. He is the founding faculty advisor of the SPIE chapter at LUMS. This chapter regularly conducts outreach activities in primary and elementary schools. Dr. Faryad is a senior member of the international society of optics and photonics (SPIE) and the Optical Society of America (OSA), and a member of the American Physical Society (APS). He was awarded the Gallieno Denardo award by the Abdus Salam International Center of Theoretical Physics (ICTP) and the International Commission on Optics (ICO) in 2019 for contributions to the research, education, and outreach in optics.

Title Publication Author Year
Editorial-The International Conference and Exhibition on Science, Technology, and Engineering of Materials (ISTEM2022) Optik Horprathum M., Faryad M., 2024
Transport of intensity and phase: applications to digital holography [Invited] Applied Optics Alanazi N.A., Scott A.M., Al-Ghezi H., Faryad M., Lakhtakia A., Banerjee P.P., 2024
3D Topographic Imaging of Columnar-Thin-Film-Coated Fingermarks using Transport of Intensity Digital Holography and Three-Dimensional Imaging, DH 2024 in Proceedings Optica Digital Holography and Three-Dimensional Imaging 2024, DH Scott A.M., Banerjee P.P., Faryad M., Lakhtakia A., 2024
Visualization of latent and depleted fingermarks on CDs and DVDs using columnar thin films Optik Faryad M., Lakhtakia A., Fiallo R.A., Banerjee P.P., 2023
Noise analysis of Grover and phase estimation algorithms implemented as quantum singular value transformations for a small number of noisy qubits Scientific Reports Ijaz M.A., Faryad M., 2023
Electromagnetic radiation by finite-sized electric and magnetic dipoles embedded in homogeneous uniaxial dielectric materials Adventures in Contemporary Electromagnetic Theory Hayat A., Faryad M., 2023
A note on proper conformal vector fields of Bianchi type-I perfect fluid space-times in f (R, T) gravity International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics Mehmood A.B., Hussain F., Ramzan M., Faryad M., Khan M.J., Malik S., 2023
On some non-static plane symmetric perfect fluid solutions in f(R,T) gravity Results in Physics Mehmood A.B., Hussain F., Bokhari A.H., Ramzan M., Faryad M., Hussain T., 2022
On Surface-Plasmon-Polariton Waves Excited in the Turbadar???Otto Configuration Plasmonics Mackay T.G., Faryad M., 2022
Grating-coupled excitation of high-phase-speed Dyakonov surface waves Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics Mujeeb K., Faryad M., Lakhtakia A., Urbina J.V., 2022
Analysis of the Scattering of Surface Plasmon Polariton Waves from a Perfectly Conducting Circular Cylinder Plasmonics Rehman A., Fiaz M.A., Faryad M., 2022
Radiation by a Finite-Length Electric Dipole in a Uniaxial Medium NATO Science for Peace and Security Series B: Physics and Biophysics Hayat A., Faryad M., 2022
Surface-plasmonic sensor using a columnar thin film in the grating-coupled configuration [Invited] Chinese Optics Letters Mujeeb K., Faryad M., Lakhtakia A., Urbina J.V., 2021
Computation of specific absorption rate for four-layered human head model exposed to HF electromagnetic waves Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE Naheed M., Ashraf M.W., Rasheed M., Faryad M., 2021
Morphological effects on the excitation of surface waves in the grating-coupled configuration Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering Mujeeb K., Faryad M., Lakhtakia A., Urbina J.V., 2021
Erratum to ???Excitation of surface plasmon-polariton waves in the prism-coupled configurations guided by uniaxially chiral, bianisotropic material??? [Opt. Commun. 465 (2020) 125611] (Optics Communications (2020) 465, (S0030401820302005), (10.1016/j.optcom.2020.125611)) Optics Communications Naheed M., Faryad M., 2020
Excitation of surface plasmon???polariton waves at the interface of a metal and an isotropic chiral material in the prism-coupled configurations European Physical Journal Plus Naheed M., Faryad M., 2020
Theory of grating-coupled excitation of Dyakonov surface waves Optical Engineering Mujeeb K., Faryad M., Lakhtakia A., Urbina J.V., 2020
Excitation of surface plasmon???polariton waves in the prism-coupled configurations guided by reciprocal, uniaxially chiral, bianisotropic material Optics Communications Naheed M., Faryad M., 2020
Erratum: Effect of orientation on excitation of surface-plasmon-polariton waves guided by a columnar thin film deposited on a metal grating (Opt. Eng. (2020) 59:5 (055103) DOI: 10.1117/1.OE.59.5.055103) Optical Engineering Mujeeb K., Faryad M., Urbina J.V., Lakhtakia A., 2020
Computational study of stack/terminal topologies for perovskite based bifacial tandem solar cells Solar Energy Qasim U.B., Imran H., Kamran M., Faryad M., Butt N.Z., 2020
Effect of orientation on excitation of surface-plasmon-polariton waves guided by a columnar thin film deposited on a metal grating Optical Engineering Mujeeb K., Faryad M., Urbina J.V., Lakhtakia A., 2020
Anti-reflection coatings of zero-index metamaterial for solar cells AIP Advances Kamran M., Faryad M., 2020
Radiation by a finite-length electric dipole in the hyperbolic media Physical Review A Hayat A., Faryad M., 2020
Surface plasmon-polariton waves obliquely guided along interface containing periodicity direction of one-dimensional photonic crystal Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering Rasheed M., Faryad M., 2020