Dr Zaffar received his PhD in Information Technology from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte (UNCC) in 2010. Prior to joining LUMS as an Assistant Professor and Programme Coordinator for Management Science, he was a Visiting Lecturer in Information Technology Management in the Sheldon B. Lubar School of Business at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (UWM) and an Associate member of the Graduate faculty in the Belk College of Business at UNCC. He has six years of teaching experience in the US in the areas of Information Systems and Operations Management at the undergraduate and graduate levels. His research interests include the development of decision support systems, technology and innovation diffusion; social networks and their impact on IS strategy and IS diffusion; agent-based computational economics, IS pedagogical issues and network location models in the context of disaster response and recovery systems. His research has appeared in several notable journals and conferences such as IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Decision Support Systems, Simulation Modeling Practice and Theory, Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Annual Conference of the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS), International Conference on Marketing, Workshop on E-Business and Workshop on Information Technology Systems.

Ali, K., Zain ul Abdin, K. & Zaffar, A. (2021). Fake news on Facebook: examining the impact of heuristic cues on perceived credibility and sharing intention. Internet Research.

Adeel Zaffar, M. & Zahid, A. (2020). A Johnny amidst Jugnus. Asian Journal of Management Cases.

Younas, A., Wang, D., Javed, B. & Zaffar & Zaffar, M. (2020). Moving beyond the mechanistic structures: The role of inclusive leadership in developing change-oriented organizational citizenship behaviour. Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences.

Adeel Zaffar, M., Kumar, R. & Zhao, K. (2019). Using Agent-Based Modelling to Investigate Diffusion of Mobile-Based Branchless Banking Services in a Developing Country. Decision Support Systems and Electronic Commerce, 117, 62-74.

J, B., I, A., Zaffar, M., A & A, H. & U, H. (2019). Impact of Inclusive Leadership on Innovative Work Behavior: the Role of Psychological Empowerment. Journal of Management & Organization, 25 (4), 554-571.

Younas, A., Wang, D., Javed, B., Rawwas & Rawwas, M. & Abdullah, I. (In Press 2018). Positive Psychological States and Employee Creativity: The role of Ethical Leadership. Journal of Creative Behavior.

Saydam, G., Rajagopalan, H., Mayorga, M., Zaffar & Zaffar, M. & Sharer, E. (2016). Coverage, Survivability or Response Time: A Comparative Study of Performance Statistics used in Ambulance Location Models via Simulation Optimization. Operations Research for Health Care, 11, 1-12.

Zaffar, M., Kumar, R. & Zhao, K. (2014). Impact of Interorganizational Relationships on Technology Diffusion: An Agent-Based Simulation Modeling Approach. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management.

Zaffar, M., Kumar, R. & Zhao, K. (2011). Diffusion dynamics of open source software: An agent-based computational economics (ACE) approach. Decision Support Systems and Electronic Commerce.

Khouja, M., Hadzikadic, M. & Zafar, M. (2008). An agent based modeling approach for determining optimal price-rebate schemes. Simulation Modeling Practice and Theory.

Schmugge, S., Zafar, M., Tsap, L. & Shin & Shin, M. (2007). Task-Based Evaluation of Skin Detection for Communication. Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation.

Zaffar, M. (2015). Skills Enhancement Program (SEP): Consultant Selection Exercise, Published. Case Research Center at SDSB, LUMS No 03-857-2015-1, Case Research Center, LUMS.

Adeel Zaffar, M. (2015). Background Note on Principles of Procurement, Under Review. CRC_LUMS.

Adeel Zaffar, M. & Syed, F. (2021). KASB SECURITIES – RECLAIMING ITS POSITION AS A LEADING BROKERAGE OF PAKISTAN, Published. LUMS No. 02-654-2021-1, Case Research Centre, Lahore University of Management Sciences.

Shahid, M., Ahsen, S. & Zafar, M. (2019). GHARPAR: The Lean Beauty Start-Up Cases (A) and (B), Published. Harvard Business Publishing Education, Case Research Unit, LUMS.

Adeel Zaffar, M. & Hassan, S. (2019). Naimat Naturals: A Journey in Dairy Farming A & B, Published. Case Research Unit, LUMS, LUMS No. 13-102-2019-1, (pp. 13), Case Research Unit, LUMS.

Zaffar, M. & Khurshid, A. (2018). Leading Transformative Change at PPL (Pakistan Petroleum Limited), Published. LUMS No. 05-782-2018-1, Case Research Center, (pp. 24), Case Research Unit, LUMS.

Adeel Zaffar, M., Seyyed, F., Jaspal, M. & Ashfaq & Ashfaq, H. (2017). Beef Value Chain In Pakistan: Challenges And Opportunities, Published. Case Research Center, LUMS, LUMS No. 13-105-2017-2, (pp. 29), Case Research Centre, Lahore University of Management Sciences.

Adeel Zaffar, M., Alam, A. & Saeed, A. (2017). Cloud Computing Services & Pakistan, Published. CRC Number 18-264-2017-2, Case Research Centre, Lahore University of Management Sciences.

Adeel Zaffar, M., Zahoor Hassan, S. & Imtiaz, A. (2017). Maple Leaf Cement Factory--The Journey of Business Transformation, Published. LUMS CRC Number 29-004-2017-1, (pp. 21), Case Research Centre, Lahore University of Management Sciences.

Adeel Zaffar, M. (2015). Punjab Skills Development Fund, Published. CRC Number 03-857-2015-1, Case Research Centre, Lahore University of Management Sciences.

Zaffar, M. (2015). Introduction to Agribusiness Value Chain, Published. LUMS No. 03-842-2015-2, Case Research Centre, Lahore University of Management Sciences.

Zaffar, M. (2014). Pre-Qualification of Vendors for Large-Scale IT System and Services, Published. CRC Number 18-442-2014-1, Case Research Centre, Lahore University of Management Sciences.

Zaffar, M. (2014). Provincial Food Department (A-H): Silo Decision, Published. CRC Number 03-852-2014-1, Case Research Centre, Lahore University of Management Sciences.

Adeel Zaffar, M. (2023). Agent-Based Modeling, E-Chapter. SAGE Business Foundations.

Tariq, S., Jalil, N. & Adeel Zaffar, M. (2017). Multimodal Logistics in Disaster Relief, Published. Palgrave Handbook of Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Palgrave Macmillan.

Hussainy, F., Zaffar, F., Zaffar, M., Khalique & Khalique, A. & Khan, I. (2017). Decision-tree inspired classification algorithm to detect Tuberculosis. Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, Langkawi, Malaysia.

Amjad, H., Naeem, U., Zaffar, M., Zaffar & Zaffar, F. & Choo, R. (2016). Improving Security Awareness in the Government Sector. Proceedings of the 17th International Digital Government Research Conference on Digital Government Research, Shanghai, China.

Zaffar, M. & Hassan, S. (2016). Kohinoor Maple Leaf Cement – The Journey of Business Transformation. 5th Asian Management Research and Case Conference, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

Farooqi, S., Naeem, U., Rafi, U., Zaffar & Zaffar, F. & Zaffar, M. (2015). Who's holding the bag? Accountability in the criminal justice system. 21st Americas Conference on Information Systems, Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico.

Saydam, G., Rajagopalan, H., Mayorga, M., Sharer & Sharer, E. & Zaffar, M. (2014). Simulation-Optimization for Ambulance Location Models. POMS 25th Annual Conference, Atlanta, Georgia.

Rehman, A., Nawaz, H., Naeem, O., Zaffar & Zaffar, F. & Naseer, F. (2014). Finding Needle in the Case-stack: Effective Remote 'monitoring' of Courts. 47th Hawaii Internactional Conference on System Sciences, Hawaii, Hawaii.

Zaffar, M. (2013). "Building the Future of Pakistan: The Enduring Effort for Bringing Relevance in Higher Education",. Research Seminar, May 21, 2013, Suleman Dawood School of Business (SDSB), Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS), lahore, Pakistan.

Rajagopalan, H., Saydam, C., Sharer, E. & Zaffar & Zaffar, M. (2012). Next Generation Emergency Location Tools: Heuristics with Simulation. INFORMS, October 16, Phoenix, 2012, Phoenix, United States of America.

Rajagopalan, H., Saydam, C., Sharer, E. & Zaffar & Zaffar, M. (2012). Improving EMS Patient Survivability via Simulation-Optimization. INFORMS, October 17, Phoenix, 2012, Phoenix, United States of America.

Ajjan, H., Niu, Y., Zaffar, M. & Winter & Winter, S. (2008). How does the use of Instant Messaging Impact Performance. SEDSI, 20-22 February 2008, Orlando, Florida, Florida, United States of America.

Zaffar, M. (2008). Diffusion Dynamics of Open Source Software in the Presence of Upgrades: An Agent-Based Modeling Approach". November 7, 2008, Belk College of Business, UNC Charlotte, Charlotte, Canada.

Zaffar, M. (2008). "Diffusion Dynamics of Open Source Software",.. September 26, 2008, UNC Charlotte, Charlotte, Canada.

Zaffar, M. (2008). Minding the IS Skills Gap: Evidence of Discourse Convergence and Institutional Field Structure. November 21, 2008, Belk College of Business, UNC Charlotte, Charlotte, Canada.

Zaffar, M. (2007). "An Agent-Based Modeling for Understanding Diffusion of Open Source Software in the Presence of Upgrades".. September 7, 2007, Belk College of Business, UNC Charlotte, Charlotte, Canada.

Zaffar, M. (2007). . "How does the use of Instant Messaging impact performance?". February 16, 2007, Belk College of Business, UNC Charlotte, Charlotte, Canada.

Zaffar, M. & Winter, S. (2007). IS Skills Development: Getting the Whole Picture. Susan J. Winter in UK AIS, 11-12 April 2007, Manchester UK, Manchester, United Kingdom.

Zaffar, M. (2007). "Agent-Based Modeling and Complex Adaptive Systems".. April 20, 2007, Belk College of Business, UNC Charlotte, Charlotte, Canada.

Zaffar, M. (2006). A Decision Support System for Immediate Response to Large-Scale Natural Disaster. November 10, 2006, Belk College of Business, UNC Charlotte, Charlotte, Canada.

Zaffar, M. (In Press 2015). Who's holding the bag? Accountability in the criminal justice system. 21st Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS) 2015.

Rehman, A., Nawaz, H., Naeem, O., Zaffar & Zaffar, F. & Zafar, M. (2014). Finding Needle in the Case-stack: Effective Remote 'monitoring' of Courts. HICSS, January 7-9, 2014.

Saydam, C., Rajagopalan, H., Mayoraga, M., Sharer & Sharer, E. & Zafar, M. (2014). "Simulation-Optimization for Ambulance Location Models". POMS 25th Annual Conference, May 9-12, 2014,Atlanta, Georgia, USA.

Zaffar, M., Kumar, R. & Zhao, K. (2009). "Diffusion of Open Source Software: An Economics of Social Networks Perspective".. 19th Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems (WITS), Phoenix, Arizona,.

Zaffar, M., Kumar, R. & Zhao, K. (2009). "Investigation of Group-Based Adoption and Diffusion of Open Source Software: An Economics of Social Networks Perspective",.. 8th Workshop on E-Business (Web), Phoenix, Arizona,.

Zaffar, M. & Winter, S. (2008). Diffusion Dynamics of Open Source Software in the Presence of Upgrades: An Agent-Based Computational Economics Approach".. Twenty Ninth International Conference on Information Systems, Paris, France.

Zaffar, M., Kumar, R. & Zhao, K. (2008). "Minding the IS Soft Skills Gap: Evidence of Discourse Convergence and Organizational Field Structure",.. Twenty Ninth International Conference on Information Systems, Paris, France.

Khouja, M., Hadzikadic, M. & Zafar, M. (2007). "An agent-based modeling approach for determining optimal price-rebate schemes". Fifth International Conferences on Marketing, Athens, Greece.